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Professional Skin Marker To Remove Freckles Used For Dark Spots And Mole Removal Pen

The machine is perfect for Beauticians and Non Medical estetheticians who are wanting to branch out into more advanced skin treatments. We are training with this machine worldwide and offering a comprehensive course consisting of prestudy and practical days with us working on live models. We do not train on fruit especially oranges! We think that training you on anything other than human skin is an insult to your profession. Orange peel as some other training companies use to train on,  is nothing like human skin in its structure and therefore is misleading in comparison.  You need to understand how the skin reacts and heals afterwards.



The Plamere machine is perfect for anyone who are wanting to branch out into more advanced skin treatments. We are training with this machine and offering a comprehensive course, consisting of prestudy and practical days with us working on live models. You need to understand how the skin reacts and heals afterwards to be able to perform this procedure effectively.

 Advantages of Hot sale Beauty Pen Skin Intensity Skin Pores Mole Laser Spot Pigment Removal Plasma Pen

• Remove completely: instantly eliminate skin neoplasms and strong sterilization and never relapse 

• No bleeding: can avoid various lesions caused by bleeding and medical risk

• Wound easy to recover without bandage

• No scar left

• Ease use: it can work for about 2-3 hours after 1 time charge.

• Economical and practical: it is cheap and needle can reuse.

• Easy to take




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